But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and forever.  Amen.

2 Peter 3:18

The U.S. Constitution depends on Religion and Morality



John Adams was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, Vice President to George Washington and later, second President of the U.S.A.   He wrote  the following to the Massachusetts Militia in 1797:


“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . .Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people.  It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”


His words reveal both his Puritan heritage and the thinking of our Founding Fathers.  James Madison, the “Father of our Constitution" and later the fourth President of the U.S.A. declared a “national day of prayer and fasting” during the War of 1812.




In  January of 1802, Thomas Jefferson, third President of the U.S.A., wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association, in reply to their letter of October 1801.  In, part, Jefferson stated:


“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”


Our Founding Fathers were all raised in Colonial America, where the Bible was openly acknowledged as the written Word of God.  They rightly understood the following Biblical doctrines and historical facts:


·       Men are basically sinful (Romans 3:10-23).


·       Men need self-government according to the Ten Commandments.


·       Only the fear and love of God will cause men to keep the Law of God.


·       Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


·       Government needs to be limited by checks and balances





This is why Madison and other Founding Fathers created a government with three equal, but separate, branches: Legislative (Congress) Executive (President) and Judicial (Supreme Court).  They wanted limited government with checks and balances.


The opposite of limited government is unlimited government where some sinful dictator has absolute power over the people.  Tyrants trample on the rights of individuals because they neither fear nor love God. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Yet tyranny (totalitarian government) is necessary when men no longer respect the Law of God.  If the governed cannot respect God's Law-Word, neither will they respect man-made laws.  In a lawless society, the government must step in, eventually, with force.




If people neither fear nor love God, they will take marriage vows lightly.  They will not truly honor parents, nor any duly constituted authority—if they feel they can get away with it.  John Adams warned against human passions unbridled by morality and religion.


Lying, cheating, slander, whoredom, homosexuality, hatred, murder, theft, witchcraft will all blossom in an ungodly society.  Blasphemy, cursing and filthy language all act as a social barometer for any society.  They all increase as the society falls apart.


Today, many left-wing public officials will swear (falsely) to uphold the Constitution, and then do all they can to destroy it (or subvert its original intent).  John Adams knew that if a public official fears not God, he will break his oath of office whenever convenient.


Adams realized that only morality and religion would keep men honest and upright in all their dealings with their fellow men.  He understood that only morality and religion (read Biblical Christianity of Colonial America) could keep our society from falling apart.


The U.S. Constitution depends on morality and religion.  As John Adams wrote,  “Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people.  It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”




Scripture is the only Legitimate Basis for Science

George Theiss is a combat veteran of Vietnam who now follows the Lamb of God.  He and his wife, Christy, have been married 42 years (in 2019).  They have 8 grown children.  You can contact George at support@tulipgems.com

Copyright © 2002 through 2019 by George Theiss